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Selectmen Minutes 02/19/2008

Chichester Board of Selectmen
February 19, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

SUBJECT: Assessment Review
PRESENT: David Hynes; Department of Review

Mr. Hynes met with the Board to give an overview of the re-certification process that will take place for Chichester this year.  This is also Chichester’s update year, per the constitution, the Selectmen must value all property a new at least once in every five years.   The DRA will take a sampling of the contracted assessor’s work and review in the field as well as review the administrative functions of town personnel in relation to the handling of credits, exemptions, current use. Mr. Hynes strongly suggests the town hold informal hearings (as done in 2003) prior to establishing the final values and sending out tax bills.  

SUBJECT: Potential Fire Pond
PRESENT: Jim Plunkett

Mr. Plunkett is awaiting one final permit approval from NHDES and then he will begin construction of a pond on his property located on Bear Hill Road.  Mr. Plunkett is offering the town the use of the pond as a fire suppression pond and asked the Selectmen what requirements the fire department has for such a use.  The Selectmen informed Mr. Plunkett that the fire department prefers drafting pits and not dry hydrants and recommended Mr. Plunkett contact the Fire Chief for specifications.  A complete set of plans for the pond is on file with the Conservation Commission.

SUBJECT: Personnel Matter
PRESENT: Patrick Clarke

Motion Chairman Colbert, second Selectman MacCleery to enter into non-public session at 7:50pm, pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II. (a), to discuss the dismissal, promotion or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee, or the investigation of any charges against him. The Chairman called for the vote.  MacCleery – yes, DeBold – yes, Colbert – yes.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.

Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Selectman DeBold to close the non-public session at 8:05pm.   
The Chairman called for the vote. MacCleery – yes, DeBold – yes, Colbert – yes.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.

Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Selectman DeBold to seal the minutes of the non-public session for twenty-five years.  The Chairman called for the vote.   MacCleery – yes, DeBold – yes, Colbert – yes.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.


The Board accepted with regret, the resignation of Brad Towle as a member and Chairman of the Planning Board.   

The Board reviewed and adopted the revised policy for rental use of the Grange Hall.  Private rental services will resume in March.

Page 2 BOS minutes
February 19, 2008

The Selectmen reviewed and discussed the correspondence from Mr. Bruce Dyke regarding his attempts to contact Tri-Town Ambulance to clarify the town’s intent for discussion with them.  This issue came about during budget discussions with the fire department to research costs of services with other vendors.
The Board will take Mr. Dyke’s letter under consideration and will address this with the Fire Chief.  Lisa was directed to send a memo to the Fire Chief along with a copy of the correspondence.   

The Board discussed the memo from the Building Inspector regarding the request for a building permit from Humphrey on Garvin Hill Road.  The Humphrey’s wish to construct temporary living quarters in their barn, while their son builds a home once the property is subdivided.  The Selectmen reviewed the zoning ordinances and ruled that because the barn is a separate building with the intent for occupancy as a dwelling, it was not permitted and the Humphrey’s would need to seek relief from this decision with the Board of Adjustment. Discussion was given as to the definition of dwelling in the town’s ordinance, specifically to the term  of ‘cooking’.  The homeowner has removed the ‘kitchen’ from the plans but the Board feels any setup of small appliances (i.e. microwave, hot plate) would constitute cooking.  Regardless, the Board felt that the intent of the converted space was for dwelling facilities, and that is not allowed in a separate structure, per the town’s zoning.   Lisa was directed to notify the Building Inspector of this determination.

Selectmen MacCleery brought forward to the Board  that the minutes of the safety meeting on February 8, 2008 and the accidents reports taken by the police at the time of the plow truck accident of February 2, 2008 conflict one another.   The Road Agent’s report has yet to be filed on this incident.  Lisa was directed to request the Road Agent’s detailed written statement be filed for this accident immediately.    

Selectman MacCleery brought forward a safety concern regarding re-tread front tires on the blue plow truck.  He believes them to be unsafe and recommended the tires be swapped with those of the pumper truck at the shed if they were the same size.  Selectman MacCleery will check on any relative laws.  Lisa will bring this to the attention of the Road Agent.

The Selectmen directed Lisa to send a memo to the Police Chief in reference to the proposed purchase of the police cruiser.  The Selectmen are part of that decision process and have not authorized a purchase at this time. They wish for the Chief to bring them up to speed on what vehicle is being considered.

Lisa reminded the Board that next week’s meeting will involve the two hour long Public Health Preparedness training.  

Mail and correspondence was reviewed.  Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

The Board approved the minutes of February 12, 2008 as corrected.   

Motion Selectman DeBold, second Chairman Colbert, to adjourn the meeting at 10:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                            Not Yet Approved

______________________            _______________________                _______________________  
David Colbert, Chairman           Richard DeBold                                      Stephen MacCleery